We provide a wide range of service opportunities for you and your family. We have Sunday School for all ages, weekly Worship services, weekly Bible Study, Christian counseling services, and other activities throughout the year. We invite you and your family to join us in any of our ministries.

Bible Study

We come together for Bible Study on Wednesday nights at 7:00 pm. This is an exciting time to study God’s Word and is available to the Adults. The teens have a special time of fellowship and Bible Study during this time which is tailored to meet their needs during this difficult time in our Nation’s history. We also offer children ages 3-years-old through 6th grade a unique program designed as a fun-filled hour of Bible Study, games, music, and Scripture memory called “TeamKID.” We would like to invite you to join us for this time of Bible Study and fellowship.

Children’s Church

We offer a Children’s Church for children ages 3 – 9 that operates in conjunction with our Sunday Morning Worship Service. During this time, the children learn biblical truths to help them to begin a lifelong journey in the Word of God. The children learn what prayer means and how we worship the Lord.

Christian Counseling Services


Bro. Glen Shults

Bro. Glen has been involved in people’s lives in a variety ways including involvement with Celebrate Recovery, counseling services with couples before marriage, and married couples struggling through difficult circumstances. Bro. Glen can be contacted at 870-722-8944 or email at broglenshults@gmail.com.

Sunday School


Adult Class

We offer an Adult Sunday School class that is led by well-qualified men.

Young Adult Class

This class is designed for those who are out of high school through early adulthood. The purpose is to help this generation find the plan that God has for them in life and in the church.

Teen Class

We offer a Teen Sunday School class to help meet the special needs of this generation.

Children’s Classes

We offer Children’s Sunday School classes for all ages to set a firm foundation on the Word of God.


We provide a nursery for infants and toddlers to allow their parents to sit in on their own Sunday School class.

Sunday Worship

Sunday Morning Worship

We come together for corporate Worship to the Lord at 10:50 am every Sunday. We focus on Worshiping the Lord through music, giving, inspiring messages, and decision time to God. Our music is led by our music director and our musicians are Sister Linda Smith and Sister Angella (Coley) Holliday. Our Worship leader is our pastor, Bro. Glen Shults. We encourage you to come join us as we Worship the Lord together.
Sunday Night Worship
We come together for another time of corporate Worship to the Lord at 6:00 pm every Sunday. We focus on music and inspiring messages during the night service. We encourage you to give Sunday Night a try as we join together to Worship the Lord together.

Women’s Bible Study


The ladies join together on the second Sunday night of each month at 5:00 pm to study the Word. They share special concerns for women and enjoy this time of fellowship and Bible Study. The men meet to study during this time and really enjoy the opportunity to get together. We would like to invite you to come and be a part of this special time.

Vacation Bible School


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